South Korea Blames North for Hacking Bank Computers

2011-05-03 84

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South Korean prosecutors say that North Korea has conducted a cyber attack on one of South Korea's largest financial firms. North Korea launched a series of cyber attacks on South Korean government and business websites in 2009 and earlier this year.

On Tuesday, South Korean prosecutors say they believe that the recent hacking of one of the country's largest financial firms was done by North Korea.

The bank system of a South Korean farm cooperative called Nonghyup was paralyzed in December 2010. A cyber attack caused a computer system glitch resulting in customers being unable to access their bank services.

[Kim Yong-dae, Chief Prosecutor]:
"We confirmed that this was prepared thoroughly for a long time by the same group who conducted previous Distributed Denial of Service attack, which is an unprecedented cyber-terror with North Korea involved."

The investigation team says the system meltdown was the result of an attack launched by criminals that remotely controlled a laptop owned by a contractor at the bank.

Prosecutors say the techniques used in the latest attack are similar to previous cyber attacks by North Korea.

[Kim Yong-dae, Chief Prosecutor]:
"Its unique techniques to produce the 81 malignant codes, including a technique encrypting the malignant code, which was used for attack, are very similar to previous two Distributed Denial of Service attacks."

Investigators were able to determine that the same people may be behind another attack that was carried out just a few months ago... that also originated in North Korea.

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