This Just Zen: Football Star Tackles Cancer, Goes To Draft

2011-04-29 41 Mark Herzlich had it all. The Boston College Linebacker was simply the best. Named the 2008 player of the year and first team all America…the 22 year old could not be stopped. Then a recurring pain in his leg would change everything. The college star known for having the most interceptions of any linebacker to date as well as 110 tackles would himself be grounded when diagnosed with a rare cancer known as ewing's sarcoma. The debilating disease could not only affect his ability to play, but to live. It seemed that Herzlich’s dreams were destroyed. And then the youngster said, “I had a turning point in my attitude". He decided to tell the cancer “no!” Like a true champ Mark Herzlich continued to train as before but with the addition of chemotherapy and radiation treatment including having a metal rod surgically placed in his femur. He was going to fight the cancer. Well in 2009 before the world, Herzlich revealed the outcome… After training and treating, the doctor shared that he was 99% sure the cancer was gone! Now this happy story is really old news, cuz that was 2 years ago. But I’m bringing it up because Mark has just been invited to participate in the 2011 NFL Draft, realizing his lifelong dream. Proving that no obstacle can get in the way of destiny. And Now Our Sage Of The Day “Get busy living, or get busy dying”. –quote from the motion picture “The Shawshank Redemption” Do you have a happy story to share? Let a brother know. Tweet me on Twitter, Fan me on Facebook and Subscribe to the show. I’m Cory Tyler for This Just Zen, Cuz Happy Happens. Distributed by Tubemogul.