Elijah Wars on Spiritual Mount Carmel

2011-04-28 1

This is the prayer of prophet Elizabeth Sherrie Elijah Nikomia of amightywind who has reuqested of Abba YAHUVEH to quickly doom and judge the liar and deceiver whether it be her or the ones who attack amightywind, YAHUVHE's true enemies. We ask that you pray this prayer at least once a day and petition it before Abba YAHUVEH till HE answers. The true children of satan will wet their pants in fear as they see it come to pass. Please also pray that Abba YAHUVEH send Arch angel Michael to wipe out YAHUVEH's enemies and bring destruction to the camp of satan. In YAHUSHUA's Mighty Name Amen!
AMIGHTYWIND ALMIGHTYWIND YAHWEH YAHSHUA JESUS CHRIST YAHUSHUA YAHUVEH YAHWEH YAHSHUA JESUS CHRIST KOEDESH HOLY SPIRIT Messianic Jewish Pentecostal Apostle Hebrew Elijah Sherrie Elisabeth Nikomia Yahsladynred Hebrew Messianic Pentecostal Judaism Jews Spiritual enemies JUDGMENT devil servants satan 666 mark beast anti christ messiah unity coven kabbalah wicca witchcraft voodoo enchant curse hex