Turkey Urges Peaceful Resolution of Conflict in Syria

2011-04-27 67

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Speaking at a press conference in the Turkish capital of Ankara, the Prime Minister of Turkey urges the Syrian president to avoid heavy-handed tactics in resolving the crisis in Syria. The call for a peaceful approach comes after the use of tanks and artillery against protesters. Here's more.

Turkey's Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday has voiced his alarm over Syria's crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrators.

Erdogan says he'll be sending an envoy this week to meet Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Speaking at a news conference, Erdogan says Assad's decision last Thursday to lift the state of emergency, is a good start. It's been in place for 48 years in Syria.

But, Erdogan says the Syrian leader needs to do more.

[Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister of Turkey]:
"I will send my envoy to President Assad again and they will hold talks. The Turkish envoy will be there on Thursday most probably. He will meet the President. But of course the ongoing situation is quite disturbing for us."

Hundreds of pro-democracy protesters have been killed in Syria's revolt. On Monday, Assad sent tanks and artillery to crush protests in Deraa. This is where the uprising first started.

Many now see the reforms announced last week, as an empty gesture.

Erdogan is on friendly relations with Assad. Since the first signs of unrest, he's advised the Syrian leader to show restraint and make reforms.

[Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister of Turkey]:
"We hope that these problems will be resolved as soon as possible and we don't want an anti-democratic approach in Syria."

Turkey is a Muslim NATO ally with growing influence in the Middle East. U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday spoke with Erdogan over the crises in both Libya and Syria.