The Racist Papal Bull Genocide Sanctioned by The Holy Roman Catholic Church

2011-04-25 1

Within this short clip of 11:46 the lecturer explains the actions of the Pope in Rome in declaring through the "Religious Doctrine" first of Terra Nullis (Meaning Empty lands) and then issuing the Papal Bull first the crusaders and then the exploeres under the "Doctrine of Discovery" maratime-admiratly salvage claim, Westerner's could seize land from indigenous peoples, counterfeit titles to demon-strate ownership among themselves, and then drive the natives off the land they held since time immemorial.

The Papal Bull was centuries later rescinded, but as the lecturer discusses, stands as the legal principle cited to disallow Native Americans from repossessing the lands that were the sole property of their ancestors. Later lands no longer able to be taken under these unconscionable doctrines were seized and stolen from the Indians by treaty they had no capacity to understand as they inability to understand concepts like owning the earth-nature-which they had long held owned them.