cold sore home remedies - how to treat cold sores - how to treat a cold sore

2011-04-24 106 - cold sore home remedies - how to treat cold sores - how to treat a cold sore

Here are a few more symptoms that Cold Sores sufferers has to endure:

* Depression
* Raised Blisters
* Seclusion
* Redness
* Mood Changes
* Oozing Puss
* Low Appetite
* Yellow Crust
* Pain
* Sore to Eat or Drink
* Itching
* Uncomfortable Sleeping
* Burning
* Fever
* Tenderness
* Sore Throat
* Tingling
* Swollen Lymph Nodes in Neck
* Numbness

cold sore home remedies - how to treat cold sores - how to treat a cold sore

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