Trax Records Owner Enjoys Shen Yun in Chicago

2011-04-19 41

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Shen Yun Performing Arts's shows in Chicago have drawn the praise of a business owner and female vocalist in the field of house music. House music is a style of electronic dance music that originated in Chicago, Illinois in the early 1980s. Our NTD correspondent in Chicago interviewed Ms. Cain who shared some of her impressions of Shen Yun.

Rachael Cain is the owner of Trax Records, and is heavily involved in the house music industry.

She is a performer and also hosts events for celebrities.

She saw Shen Yun Performing Arts in Chicago and commented on the vocalists.

[Rachael Cain, Singer]:
"I marveled at the fact that they had no microphones whatsoever. I was checking: did they have a lavalier? Did they have a hand? No, nothing. So that was magnificent and the contralto was just out of this world because you never hear voices like that."

She says ancient China's traditions have influenced cultures around the world.

[Rachael Cain, Singer]:
"And the dancing was enlightening, because I'm very involved in what's called house music and also hip hop and a lot of the moves that are in hip hop must have been adopted from your ancient style of dance."

Shen Yun presents 5,000 years of Chinese culture.

[Rachael Cain, Singer]:
"And the whole multimedia part of the show was really great you know, because that was very special, and of course costume design so much went in to it."

Ms. Cain also spends time in New York City.

[Rachael Cain, Singer]:
"Perhaps I will see you in June at Lincoln Center because I love Lincoln Center and I loved your show."

NTD News, Chicago

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