True Finns - Net neutrality - Hungary: EUX.TV

2011-04-18 136

Finland becomes the latest EU member state where eurosceptics rise to power Brussels gets ready to present its plans on net neutrality And Hungary today is set to adopt a controversial new constitution. Finnish voters on Sunday threw sand in the gears of European Unionplans to bail out Portugal by thrusting the anti-euro True Finns party into a crucial role in parliament and possibly into government. Unlike other parliaments in the Eurozone, the Finnish parliament has the right to vote on EU requests for bailout funds, meaning it could hold up costly plans to shore up Portugal and bring stability to debt markets. The centre-right National Coalition narrowly won with 20.4% of the final vote. The True Finns made the biggest election gains of any party, winning 19.0% compared to 4.1% in 200. And that means they are likely to be involved in talks on forming a government. In Brussels, the European Commission is set to unveil proposals to foster a neutral and competitive Internet on Tuesday. The proposal will draw praise from big industry for its cautiousness while consumer groups and activists lament its lack of substance. The United States already has passed legislation to ensure an open Internet, but the EU has been struggling to catch up. In a draft that was seen by EurActiv, the European Commission does its homework on possible infringements of net neutrality. But when it comes to concrete measures that would prevent network operators and Internet providers from creating monopolies, it prefers to adopt a wait-and-see approach. And finally, Hungary is set to adopt its new constitution today in Budapest. The constitution is severely criticised by civil liberties groups and Guy Verhofstadt, the leader of the European Parliament's liberal fraction. The former Belgian Prime Minister has called it "a Trojan horse for a more authoritarian political system in Hungary based on the perpetuation of one party rule". In a joint statement ... Distributed by Tubemogul.

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