Mobile Groove Bomb - The Finest Hour (2011)

2011-04-17 18

July 31, 2010 -- PDX Bridge Festival organizers discuss a mad plan to bring a party to the city - the likes of which have never before been seen outside of the Black Rock Desert... For the thousands of Portlander's on the bridge to celebrate the Hawthorne's 100th, few expected to be rocked so hard - literally! MarchFourth pied pipers a huge crowd to meet up with the Mobile Groove Bomb crew in a truly explosive night of bridge-shaking fun.

PDX Bridge Festival

Ambient track by Solovox

More info on MarchFourth Marching Band

Cover photo by Cameron DePalma
Bridge event photos by Aaron Rogosin
Cameras by Kevin Balmer and Daflew
© Diggable Monkey Productions