How to Do Yoga Half Lord of the Fishes Pose - part of the women's fitness video series by GeoBeats.
Hi, I'm Brenna, this is Heather. We're here at Bend Yoga Studio. We're now going to demonstrate Ardha Matsyendrasana. To begin you cross your legs, tucking your left leg under and placing your right foot over to the outside of your left thigh grounding down into your left foot. And then reach your right hand behind you onto the ground behind you. Grounding down into that right hand and into your right foot. As you inhale lift up through the spine and extend your left arm all the way overhead to get an even stronger extension. And then as you exhale draw your navel in towards your spine, lower that left elbow down to the outside of your right knee. Now stay here but continue to lift up every inhalation through the spine. And as you exhale twist through your navel and then allow the shoulders to follow the twist, and then a very gentle twist with your neck gazing back over your right shoulder. And then continue here about 3 to 10 breaths.