Uncommonly Heavy Snowfall in Russian Caucasus

2011-04-14 93

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Heavy Snowfalls have caused serious damage in the Russian Caucasus Region.Snowfalls in Russia's North Ossetia have damaged power and water supplies and a local television company has been forced to suspend broadcasting following an accident to a TV tower.

Recent heavy snow in Russia's southern republic of North Ossetia has left the main City of Vladikavkaz without power and water supplies.

Damage to the City's TV tower has led the local Alania television company to suspend broadcasting for two days and the city authorities have closed the streets leading to the tower.

A representative of the television company explained to Interfax how a cable leading to one of the tower's supporting poles had been ripped making it unstable.

A local citizen living near the tower said he had never seen so much snow falling at any one time.

[Elbrus Temirkhanov, Vladikavkaz Resident]:
"The winter seemed to be quite warm this year, but there were heavy snowfalls in February and March. It's the first time I have seen so much snow falling at once."

He didn't seem to be worried about the possible danger of the tower falling down.

According to Interfax the authorities are now considering evacuating people living in the nearby area as well as exploring the feasibility of cutting off power from the tower.