How to Do Yoga Crow Pose - Women's Fitness

2011-04-12 598

How to Do Yoga Crow Pose - part of the women's fitness video series by GeoBeats.

Hi, I'm Colleen and this is Brenna. We're here today at Bend Yoga Studio. We're going to show you Bakasana, a Crow Pose. Brenna is squatting on the ground with her feet running down on the floor. Her spine extending up out of the Pelvis. As she's ready, she'll gently press her hands down on to the floor and begin to tuck her weight forward into the palms of her hands, and then to her finger tips. She'll place her knees on the outside of her upper arm bones. And now she's ready, she'll take her forearms perpendicular to the floors so that her elbows are over her wrist. Breathing in and breathing out, she'll gently draw the belly up towards her spine to tipping her weight forward and as she's ready the toes will flow off the ground. Breathing for 3 to 5 breaths, this pose runs down into the forearms, strengthens the arms. As she's ready, she'll exhale and gently draw her feet to the floor, coming back into a squat.