- Painting Houses Can Cost Thousands of Additional Dollars If You Don’t Know What You Are Doing. Here Are Some Quick House Painting Tips That Will Help Save You Money and Make Your Real Estate More Appealing!.
1. Paint Colors/Brands
* neutral colors - illusion of spaciousness
* colors influence atmosphere and mood
* Popular Brands - Glidden, Behr, sherwin-williams, Benjamin Moore, Ralph Lauren
* Bulk
2. Exterior
* Darker is ok
* Neighbors - drive around
* Do not mimic
* POWER WASH - for older homes, if you don’t, the paint WILL chip, crack, etc...
* Dual tones - use your trims
* wood - paint same color as the house
3. Interior
* Clean ALL dust - same as exterior
* paint all rooms the same color
* refinish all doors, base boards, trim, etc...
4. Kitchen and Bath
* Budget constraints are an issue, kitchen and the bath
* Kitchen Cabinets
Final Tip: (killz - cheap and prevents mold)