Gore Vidal Interview -- Academy of Achievement , 2006 (1 of 25)

2011-04-10 85

TRANSCRIPT: I lived mostly with my grandparents, Senator and Mrs. Gore. He was blind from the age of ten, and I was precocious at reading, thanks to his brandishing his cane at me. So I would read to him. I was the only nine-year-old probably in the United States who understood bimetallism; he was on the Finance Committee of the Senate. I would often act as his page, take him onto the floor of the Senate, and they were giants in those days. Everybody thinks that about their childhood, but they really were. There was Huey Long, who was the funniest man that ever lived, and Borah of Idaho -- "the Lion of Idaho" -- they were all such performers! They were great actors. If you just studied them, it was like studying at the Old Vic or something. I really wanted to be a politician, but unfortunately, I was born a writer. When that happens, you have no choice in the matter.