French Horn Player Enjoys Shen Yun's Music in Taichung, Taiwan

2011-03-30 127

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Ms. Lin, a French horn player, saw Shen Yun Performing Arts in Taichung, Taiwan.

[Lin Anti, French Horn Player]:
"I feel, the music and dance, and the merging of the Chinese and Western styles was really beyond my imagination. I have studied classical music."

She commented on how well the eastern and western instruments fused together.

[Lin Anti, French Horn Player]:
"I originally guessed that, in the aspect of pitch, there would be many problems. But there weren't, the Erhu and the Cello, they both fused together very harmoniously, it was really very good."

She said as a Chinese person she could really relate to Shen Yun.

[Lin Anti, French Horn Player]:
"Sometimes we always want to study western people's things, that is not to say they are not good, but, every time I hear Chinese people's music I have this kind of [feeling]: Ah! Now I understand! Right, this is our culture!"

NTD News, Taiwan