Astrobrant2 Had It Coming. Jarrah White Responds to the Hostility of Propagandists.

2011-03-30 1

This video explains my decision to report the uploads of a certain Youtube user who has made it his mission to become the most hostile, provocative and psychotic propagandist there is. Once again, trolls have used bogus "inappropriate content" claims to get this video pulled off Youtube.

To see how Astrobrant2 typically interacts with the Youtube community, see “MoonFaker: LRO, LRRR & LOLA Addendum. PART 3”

Here is my video pointing out how my films were falsely flagged with bogus inappropriate content and privacy infringement claims, be sure to read the comments GoneToPlaid posted on it having verified my side of the story is accurate. This video also shows how Svector posted pictures of my house on Youtube and threatened to release more of my personal information. And yet Astrobrant2 accuses ME of trying to release personal information of others!