Exhibition of Unique Bonsai Varieties Held in Central India

2011-03-28 443

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An exhibition showcases over 150 varieties of bonsai plants over the weekend in central India. The three-day event attract spectators who could see the hard work put into these miniature plants.

A three-day-long exhibition of bonsai plants was held over the weekend in India's state of Madhya Pradesh.

Bonsai is an ancient gardening art in which the growth of a tree is deliberately stunted to obtain a miniature version.

Apart from Indian varieties, many foreign varieties like those from China and Taiwan were also showcased.

[Missi Pawla, Participant]:
"With bonsai, we can watch the beauty of plants which otherwise are grown only outdoors. With our busy schedule, we will not get the time to go out and enjoy their beauty. So with this (technique), we can grow them in our houses."

Visitors were lured by the varieties of bonsai plants.

[Jagruthi Tiwari, Visitor]:
"This is a spectacular achievement. Even though the association is not a very old one, but you can see the hard work and effort that they have put in. In almost every plant, you can realize that it is made with lot of love and care."

The event was organized by the Lake City Bonsai Association and wrapped up on Sunday.

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