Affiliate Marketing Tips - Create A Swipe File For Your Affiliate Offers

2011-03-21 40

Hi my name is Andy Brown from

Anytime I receive an email that catches my eye, I keep it by moving it to a special swipe folder in my email client. This technique is guaranteed to increase your affiliate marketing commissions.

I have 3 rules for deciding whether an email is moved into this special folder.

1. First, I look for anything that really catches my attention in the subject line.

2. I look for any email that keeps my interest in the opening sentences.

3. I look for any "unique" types of emails that are particularly appealing. The ones that make me click on a link and go to a site.

By having this swipe file I'm able to craft my own email messages based on templates I know work. I simply look at one that fits my particular needs, and then modify it so that it is my own original email and then send it out to my list.