Jay Wilbur & His Orchestra - Whistling In The Dark

2011-03-20 3

Jay Wilbur (1898-1970) formed his first band in the UK in 1919, and then temporarily worked abroad. After various London venues (Piccadilly, Savoy), he returned to the Continent (Oslo, Spa). In 1926 he recorded two sides with Van’s Ten, the start of a massive record output with different studio bands. Most of them were issued for the Woolworth's budget labels. In the meantime Jay had secured his own radio programme on the strength of his recording success. In May 1942 the broadcast series finished, after which he toured as part of the war effort. He left England in 1946 for New Zealand, resettled in Australia in 1948, and broadcast regularly. In 1958 he moved to Capetown, where he broadcast with his Firestone Strings. This excellent record was made in 1932, with a vocal by Tom Baratt.