Miss USA 2010 Sees Shen Yun in Atlanta, Georgia

2011-03-14 2

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Shen Yun Performing Arts delighted audiences in Atlanta, Georgia recently, inluding Jessica Black, Miss USA 2010. She spoke to our correspondents in Atlanta about her experience.

Jessica Black is the reigning Miss USA 2010.

Her friends saw Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. and said the show was great.

So when Shen Yun arrived at her home town, Atlanta, she jumped at the chance to see the show.

[Jessica Black, Miss United States 2010]:
“They loved it. My niece is a dancer, and I grew up a dancer. It was some of the most phenomenal, especially the male dancers, were absolutely amazing.”

Shen Yun presents 5,000 years of traditional Chinese culture through song and dance.

[Jessica Black, Miss USA 2010]:
“Well I came out and they said, ‘how do you like it?’ and I had chill bumps, I really had chill bumps.”

She said she could relate to the show.

[Jessica Black, Miss USA 2010]:
“If it’s sad, or it’s a happy moment, it’s still gives you chills and it resonates with you. No matter if you are five or you’re 65, it’s just an amazing show.”

Ms. Black enjoyed the message Shen Yun gave her.

[Jessica Black, Miss USA 2010]:
“I think respect and love and also power. There were different numbers where there were only female dancers, and they showed beauty and they showed grace, and they showed respect, so I think that any woman in the U.S. who watches that can take great attributes of what a true woman should be from that.”

Shen Yun aims to revive China’s divinely inspired culture that has been desecrated under communist rule.

[Jessica Black, Miss USA 2010]:
“A lot of people don’t realize the persecution of arts, of drama of the way of life right? Of human goodness, of culture, how that’s kind of taken out by the government of China and here you can display it freely.”