L/Cpl Liam Tasker

2011-03-11 1

10th March 2011. A soldier and his loyal dog, who died just hours apart in Afghanistan, are to make their final journey home together. Lance Corporal Liam Tasker's body and the ashes of springer spaniel Theo will be flown to RAF Lyneham in Wiltshire from Afghanistan. L/Cpl Tasker, from the Royal Army Veterinary Corps, was shot on 1st March while the pair were on patrol in Helmand province. Theo died of a seizure shortly afterwards. The pair were described by colleagues as inseparable and "made for each other". The Ministry of Defence said Theo's ashes would be returned to British soil in the same aircraft as his handler. While 26-year-old L/Cpl Tasker, from Kirkcaldy, Fife, will be subject to the normal repatriation ceremony, Theo's ashes will be presented to his family in private in the near future.