One-Armed Row with Dumbbells on Bosu - part of the women's fitness video series by GeoBeats.
I'm Yvonne with Elements Diet and Fitness in Manassas, Virginia, and today Melodie and I are going to demonstrate the One-Armed Row on the Bosu trainer. Melodie if you would start by kneeling on the Bosu trainer right around center. Coming forward to a 4 point stance. She wants to keep her shoulders over the wrist and then lift the weight towards the ribs, towards the torso, squeezing the elbow next to the ribs. Squeezing the back muscles she's working her shoulder and upper back. If she wants to progress this exercise, we take the opposite leg lifted off the Bosu trainer, hold it out straight, keeping the position as she's including her legs, glutes and core, as well as working the upper back and shoulder. This is the One-Armed Row on the Bosu trainer.