Thibaut Breton - Maya Rigger - Demoreel

2011-03-06 189

This is my first demoreel, focused on the rigging with Maya, wich is my main domain.

Breakdown :

00:03 to 00:17 : Extract from "Bienvenue au Kanada", graduation short film made at the ESRA Bretagne ( Rigging of the three characters, part of their skinning, and chainsaw's rig.

00:17 to 00:30 : Lumberjack rig from "Bienvenue au Kanada". It mainly includes the following systems : reverse foot, squash&stretch on the body and arms, dynamic rig (hair system) on the toque's muzzle, tail, and for the eyes orientation.

00:30 to 00:33 : Other extract from "Bienvenue au Kanada". See above + making of the rock's explosion.

00:33 to 00:40 : Chainsaw rig from "Bienvenue au Kanada". All parts are automatically animated, the movement's amplitude (and the rotation speed of the teeth) are adjustable. A system makes the blade deformable, the teeth are allocated along the blade.

00:40 to 00:58 : View of the interface, and mounting of a car rig with a vehicle fast rigging tool I made. This tool permits to make a rig by creating "modules" : automatic rotating wheels, suspension systems... and assemble these parts in a few clics making a rig wich can be animated with different ways (stand alone, with a motion path...). The UI has been designed with "Qt Designer".

00:58 to 01:21 : Demonstration of the operation of the rig created with the vehicle fast rigging tool. This one includes automatic rotating wheels, two independant front wheels, two linked rear wheels. A controller constrained with an "aim" to a locator placed further on the motion path makes the front wheels automatically turn.

Music : Deep Forest - Computer Machine