Opera Columbus Executive Director Enjoys Shen Yun in Ohio

2011-03-05 1

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Next we bring you ongoing coverage of Shen Yun Performing Arts' stop Columbus, Ohio. Our correspondents caught up with the executive director an opera company who ahd this to say about the show.

Shen Yun Performing Arts played at the Ohio Theatre in Columbus on Wednesday, (March 2).

[Press Southworth III , Executive Director, Opera Columbus]:
"I know how difficult it is to put something on like this, and I thought the choreography was great. And the bringing together the dance along with the video behind, bringing that all in, and telling the story was very, very fascinating. I thought they did a great job."

Mr. Southworth commented on the digital backdrop.

[Press Southworth III , Executive Director, Opera Columbus]:
"The whole use of the video and the background to bring the various scenes. If you did the production with something other than the video you wouldn't be able to do it with so many different kinds of approaches to the evening."

Jennifer Closson started singing in second grade. She has also studied musical theater. Now she is a graphic designer, with a passion for the performing arts.

[Jennifer Closson, Graphic Designer]:
"I thought the choreography was amazing. They did a lot of very intricate movement, both individually and throughout the entire company. As a whole they did a lot of nice footwork, using different props, things like the fans.

Classical Chinese dance, as seen in Shen Yun, has three main components: form, bearing, and techniques.

[Jennifer Closson, Graphic Designer]:
"They were very in synch, very talented group. You could tell that they have been working together for a very long time."

NTD News, Columbus, Ohio