South Korean Singer Rocks Disputed Islands

2011-03-04 132

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South Korean singer Kim Jang-hoon held a concert on islands claimed by both Japan and South Korea. The singer has been promoting the island as South Korean territory for the past two years.

On Monday, a South Korean singer held a concert on disputed islands that both Tokyo and Seoul claim.

Pop singer Kim Jang-hoon and about 200 activists from non-governmental organizations as well as students, landed on the islands on March 1st. The day is also known as Independence Movement Day in South Korea.

Kim performed for his fans in a live concert he has been preparing for two years.

[Kim Jang-hoon, Pop Singer]:
"We don't have to shout that this is our territory since this is just our land. We can visit our land if we would like to play or sing. I will simply do so from now on."

The disputed islands are known as Dokdo in South Korea and Takeshima in Japan, and are located the same distance from both the countries.

[Lee Shi-yeon, Spectator]:
"It's not a simple trip. We're here with Kim Jang-hoon for a festival declaring that Dokdo is a Korean territory. I think this will be very a memorable one."

Japan and South Korea have a long-simmering feud over the set of desolate islands.

Kim has been promoting the island as South Korean territory for the past couple of years.

In recent years, Tokyo has asserted its claim to the islands in its annual defense white paper, sparking protests in South Korea.

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