DoCoMo's touchable 3D display shocks Nicole at MWC 2011

2011-02-24 39 MWC has come to an end and looking back at the show news we thought we would share with you the product that induced the most giggles - Japanese carrier DoCoMo was showcasing a touchable 3D display. We've got a glasses free 3D display that employs force feedback by sending an electric current to a coil embedded behind the 3D display according to the position of the pen. Since there is no contact with the screen the pen is tracked using two cameras, which has a magnet at its tip to interact with the resulting magnetic field. In the video above you'll see a cartoon chameleon lashing his tongue out at your pen causing it to fly out of your hand if you held it loosely enough. We have no word on when DoCoMo might be employing this technology in their lineup, but since its Japan we aren't tucking it away as proof of concept and will keep an eye out for this throughout the year. Distributed by Tubemogul.