Unofficial Royal Wedding Plates Poke Fun at Wills and Kate

2011-02-21 204

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Fans of Prince William and Kate Middleton will have a chuckle at a new line of plates to celebrate their upcoming wedding. Let's see more.

Fans of the British royal family have the official Buckingham Palace-sanctioned royal wedding china to collect, but for those less reverent there's a set of alternative plates poking gentle fun at the upcoming wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton.

Design agency KK Outlet in the trendy Hoxton area of east London have been so overwhelmed with orders for their unofficial plates, their website crashed the first day sales began on Valentine's day.

The creative team at KK Outlet wanted to gently puncture the sense of reverence around the engagement of William and Kate, and came up with the designs to relate to a more modern Britain.

[Dave Bell, Managing Director, KK Outlet]:
"We felt that sometimes Buckingham Palace are a bit straight-laced. They don't have much humor in their announcements or how they treat themselves. They are very reverential so we wanted to treat the royal wedding with a bit of irreverence. We felt that it would engage a little bit with the British population if we had a little bit of fun with it.”

There are five plates customers can buy and several more the creative agency designed just for fun.

One of the more popular designs amongst Brits is the "Thanks For The Extra Day Off" referring to the wedding day being declared a national public holiday.

[Dave Bell, Managing Director, KK Outlet]:
"Buckingham Palace announced that there would be a day off on the day of the wedding and we noticed that a lot of people were celebrating that fact much more than the announcement of the wedding, so we thought let's make an ironic plate saying "Thanks for the free day off.”