interview - A.E. Artemis/Efthimis in art uber alles

2011-02-18 7

1992. Athens is the city - Greece (Hellas) is the motherland! ....Artemis, Efthimis and dj Alx form a band, named Terror-X-Crew (TXC). They get the greek audience systematically in touch with the hip – hop culture (mcing, b-boying, graffiti, djing). The TXC graffiti crew will become the start up for numerous such crews all over the country. Tenths of smashing live performances follow. It’s in these gigs that most of today’s well known Greek mcs will get to make their first steps. The oldschoolers might remember the late night, open mic, freestyle sessions at the closing. The band also has its strong connections with the core of extreme sports, such as bmx-riding, skateboarding and snowboarding. ....1995. «Terror-X-Crew» (EP, Studio II Records) on cd and vinyl. This record will establish the band as country’s most authentic hip-hop representative. ....1997. «E Polis Ealo» (LP, FM Records) on cd and vinyl. TXC’s first album goes gold. Hard, revolutionary, now considered classic and such is their first video, «Not your typical Greek». ....1998. «Mi Fobasai» (cd-single) and video. Contains a melodic track with a sample from Pavlos Sidiropoulos and the voice from the famous Greek singer Demetra Galani. «Hip-Hop Hooligan» (video). Live at Rodon with the cross-over metal/rap band DOG EAT DOG....

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