Rallies in Libya 2011: Crowd chants Ghadafi is allah's enemy

2011-02-17 497

This took place in benghazi. Anti Ghadafi rallies in Libya 2011: Crowd chants "La Ilaha illa Allah, Ghadafi is the enemy of Allah!" Gadafi has, over the last four decades of his rule, been one of the most oppressive of the Muslim world tyrants. Torturing those who call for Islam, he once famously hung a delegation sent by the Islamic movement Hizb ut Tahrir when they to convince him away from his Kufr views of rejecting the sunnah/hadith. Read more about it here: http://www.khilafah.com/index.php/multimedia/59-books/2127-communiqurom-hizb-ut-tahrir-to-colonel-gadaffi-1978