The name of the upcoming Spider-Man film, starring British actor Andrew Garfield, has been announced as The Amazing Spider-Man.
Garfield, who replaces Toby Maguire as Spider-Man, spoke of how "insanely excited" he is by the role: "[I am] overwhelmed of the decision to allow me to step into a legacy that I have always cared about."
He also likened the character of Spider-Man to some seminal Shakespearean classics, saying: "You can never see enough Hamlets or King Lears, I truly feel that way, that Spider-man is our mythology and our fairytales".
As well as announcing the title of the film, Columbia pictures have released a new image of Garfield dressed in Spider-Man's iconic red and blue outfit; the first picture of him wearing the complete mask and suit combination.
The Amazing Spider-Man is due to be released on July 3, 2012.