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Redneck lif" />

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Redneck lif"/>

STUND Season 2 Episode 1 (Williams Lake)

2011-02-12 2

"Stund 2 - Episode 1 - Williams lake.

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Redneck lifestyle is the way of the puddle. Possibly where the term 'get er done' was first used. But the talent does not stop with ranching it up or playing hockey. There is a tight group of locals that have been shredding mountain bikes since the early years. This is where James Dorfling resides and grew up feeding his mountain biking skills with unique zones like Farwell Canyon and pinning it on trails like Aflo. Its hard to appreciate the big mountain slope lines we did out in Farwell, footage does little justice and to get to these lines was a gruling sandy hike; a bike worth 2 hours of your life for a 20 second decent! After spending some time in the puddle it became clear to me how James has become such an all round shredder...

STUND Season 2 Episode 1 (Williams Lake)