New South Wales MP Sees Shen Yun Again in Sydney

2011-02-12 50

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The world's premier Chinese classical dance company Shen Yun Performing Arts is currently performing in Sydney, Australia. Audience members have expressed their appreciation for the spiritual message in the show, including one New South Wales MP. Here's more.

David Clarke is an upper house member of the New South Wales Parliament. This is the second year he and his wife have attended Shen Yun Performing Arts in Sydney.

[David Clarke, New South Wales MP]:
"And we have been uplifted and inspired and exalted by the wonderful performance that we saw here tonight. And we saw Chinese culture performed at its very, very best, at its most professional. And in an artistic way."

He enjoyed the message Shen Yun brings.

[David Clarke, New South Wales MP]:
"That there is a spiritual side to mankind. And materialism and dictatorship cannot crush that spiritual side of mankind. And the other thing that we got out of it is that good in the end will triumph over evil... And so we saw these things coming forward in this magnificent performance tonight, with all its beautiful color, all of those thousands of years of Chinese tradition, with that great spirituality of the Chinese people all coming together."

He hopes more people will have the chance to see Shen Yun.

[David Clarke, New South Wales MP]:
"It deserves to be seen, not by thousands of people as it was here tonight, but by millions and millions of people all over the world because of the message that it brings, the color that it brings, the inspiration that it brings and the message that it brings to mankind as well."

NTD News, Sydney, Australia

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