Blind Rights Activist Chen Guangcheng Documents House Arrest

2011-02-12 95

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Blind Chinese rights activist Chen Guangcheng has released a video that describes being held under house arrest at his home. He says teams of plain-clothes police are monitoring him 24 hours a day. The self-trained lawyer was jailed in 2006 after exposing abuses that were part of the Chinese regime's one-child policy. He was released a few months ago.

Chen Guangcheng is a blind Chinese rights lawyer. This video is the first news from the self-trained lawyer since his release from prison last September. He had been imprisoned for four years after exposing abuses that were part of the Chinese regime's one-child policy.

In this hour-long video, released by US-based rights group ChinaAid, Chen and his wife and son call on the international community to push for a fairer China.

They describe how Chen is being held under house arrest and constantly monitored by three teams, each with 22 personnel.

This video clip shows a man peering into their house over a pile of corn stalks, which Chen's family put there to stop them from looking in.

[Yuan Weijing, Wife of Activist Chen Guangcheng]:
"They are very brutal. They know that Chen Guangcheng is suffering from diarrhea at the moment but they keep us stranded at home and they won't let Chen see the doctor. They also don't allow us to go out to buy food."

Chen attracted global attention in 2005 for exposing forced late term abortions and other abuses by officials in Shandong province to enforce the regime's one child policy. Chen was jailed in 2006.

He remains unrepentant in the video.

[Chen Guangcheng, Rights Activist]:
"What we need to do now through our protest is combat the fear and reveal that a series of their wicked actions and dealings are illegitimate, illegal, violate international treaties, and are inhuman and immoral."

ChinaAid says the video came via a Chinese official who is sympathetic to Chen.