North Korea Confirms Foot-and-Mouth Outbreak

2011-02-12 125

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North Korea's state run media has confirmed outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease that have killed thousands of animals. South Korea, which is also suffering from the disease, says the North hasn't asked for help.

North Korea has confirmed outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease in several areas. It comes as the number of cases in South Korea has reduced, after massive culling and vaccination operations.

South Korean media say the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization would dispatch an expert team next week to help North Korea contain the outbreak, while some media said the hunger-stricken North might be exaggerating the outbreak to receive food aid.

The North's official media confirmed the outbreak of the disease late Tuesday (February 8).

The disease has spread to more than 10,000 cattle and pigs across eight provinces.

North Korean media say a national emergency veterinary and anti-epizootic committee has been set up, while all the catering networks and markets have stopped selling meat from the affected areas.

South Korean unification ministry spokesman Chun Hae-sung says the North did not ask the South for help containing the disease.

[Chun Hae-sung Unification Ministry Spokesman]:
"So far, the North hasn't asked for any support regarding the foot-and-mouth disease outbreak. And our government isn't currently considering aid for the North related to the disease."

The United Nations will send a group of experts, including vets next week, after North Korea requested for emergency aid.

Last year South Korea lost nearly a third of its pig population due to the disease and culling, resulting in record-high pork prices due to the shortage of the meat.

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