Dragon Ball Kai Ultimate Butouden (JAP)Patched + English Translated
to play whit the english translation you have a save data on file,put that save data on
your memory folder and boot it up,
After you press start to load your save almost everything is translated
Most of the character Names (When you go to battle)
Some character names when you choose your character
The Start Menu is also translated.
works on
-AK2 AKAIO 1.8.5
- Acekard 1.8.1 with AAP Bypass
- Ez Flash Vi 3.0 OB4 (No special mode needed)
- DeSmume 0.9.6 x86
- WoodR4 v1.22
- YSmenu / R4 clones
- iSmart premium
- Acekard 2i 1.8.5a (AAP on)
- Acekard 2i 1.8.1 (Clean rom)
- TTDSi with the latest YSmenu
- CycloDS EVO Beta B5