Sydney Mining Club Chairman Applauds Shen Yun in Sydney

2011-02-11 46

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Chinese classical dance and music company Shen Yun Performing Arts is continuing its shows in Sydney. In this next report, a well-known executive from one of Australia's biggest industries talks about seeing Shen Yun.

Julian Malnic is a source media often go to for comment about Australia's mining industry. But tonight, he is speaking on another subject. He just saw Shen Yun Performing Arts present 5,000 years of Chinese culture at the Capitol Theater in Sydney.

[Julian Malnic, Chairman, Sydney Mining Club]:
"I thought it was a beautiful and colorful performance about the history of China going back through the dynasties and it was very nice to see [it] told from the early dynasties to the present. I thought it was a great story also touching on some of the issues of freedom and expression, and as an Australian certainly freedom is close to my heart."

Shen Yun integrates digital backdrops behind the performers that help to explain the story.

[Julian Malnic, Chairman, Sydney Mining Club]:
"It was a very lovely mythical scenery and dramatic dancing and I think the story of China's history portraying Chinas history from deep in the past which is something that most Australians aren't familiar with coming up through the different dynasties to the present and exploring some quite happy times, I mean light and frivolous tales to serious subjects and also talking about freedom and I really enjoyed the diversity and the color and the dynamic pictures."

During the show audiences travel from the Himalayas to China's lake-filled regions. They learn about ancient Chinese legends and the culture of different dynasties.

[Julian Malnic, Chairman, Sydney Mining Club]:
"It was excellent, it was excellent, it was really and just, I mean the precision of the troupe is just breathtaking and the color; it is just a dazzling show so I really enjoyed it."

NTD News, Sydney