CNN Ali Velshi's Mean Twitter Tweet Lesson In Social Media

2011-02-05 138

OK. All I did was send a friendly Twitter Tweet to CNN's Ali Velshi today and he fired back in a mean way. What happened was Ali was running a segment on city fiscal problems in today's economy and featuring, among others, Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter. Ali had Nutter say a few words about his cities need for more Federal dollars, but then Velshi let this other guest who's not an elected official drone on and on without stopping him. I sent a friendly Twitter tweet on the matter, and Ali shot back with "Who asked you to be the timekeeper?" It's on, dude! The lesson in social media is that we are the timekeepers, not Ali. Even my dear Mom said "Why is he letting that guy go on and on?!" In social media, we matter. Sending a mean Twitter Tweet has consequences. Distributed by Tubemogul.