Nicholas Triandafyllidis directed a ten minute documentary about Momus's relationships with women while he was a student at the London International Film School in 1991.
Amongst those interviewed are Betty Page, who reviewed the album 'Hippopotamomus' in the New Musical Express. Also seen are Tammy Yoseloff ('It's the fantasy of all men to have adoring fans'), Vici Macdonald ('He's beginning to do the things he writes about... he doesn't do the washing up') and Momus' then-manager, Angie Somerside ('Momus is a shy and somewhat over-educated man').
The film takes a dramatic twist into fiction in the last minutes, with a confession followed by a castration scene.
The scene in which Nikos (as Momus's body double) has a plastic penis hacked out of his trousers amidst buckets of gushing blood was itself removed by the film school before the film was shown at the Royal College of Art and LIFS.