Nat Shilkret Orchestra - Gone

2011-02-01 3

Nat Shilkret played with the top orchestras in New York, including the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra. In 1924, he joined Victor as director of the company's light music division, and subsequently founded the Victor Salon Orchestra, sometimes called the Victor Orchestra, and he also led bands with names such as the International Novelty Orchestra, Shilkret's Rhyth-Melodists and the Shilking Orchestra - combining his and Eddie King's, a Victor executive, names. Through his recordings, he became one of the top pop bandleaders of the late '20s and early '30s. Gradually he moved into radio and the film industry as a composer - usually credited as Nathaniel Shilkret. This lovely record was made in 1930, featuring Frank Luther as the vocalist. It should be noted the disc was in poor shape, I did my best to restore sound, but inevitably I had to dim some of the frequencies.