031 ENG Monsters under the Bed

2011-02-01 39

My friend Frank has had a fear of monsters under his bed since he was a child. Now most children go through periods of being afraid of the dark, or the bogeyman, But Frank never did outgrow this particular fear. He hasn’t had a good night’s sleep in years. He has been seeing a psychoanalyst for the past five years to help him get over it. I bumped into him the other day and for the first time since I’ve known him, he looked rested, happy, and full of life. I couldn’t believe my eyes. “I’ve been cured!” he exclaimed triumphantly. “What great news” I responded. “So the psychoanalyst was finally able to help you after all these years” I continued. “I stopped seeing him and found another therapist who is a behaviorist and he cured me in just one visit!” Frank told me. “One visit?” I asked incredulously “Yup” he replied with an air of victory. “So, just how did this behaviorist cure you in one visit?” I inquired. “He told me to cut the legs off my bed!”