2011-01-23 3rd LIVE Journal, Mayan day 8 Wind ♥ "TRANSCRIPT" http://www.scribd.com/doc/47442702 Intro: I come to you as a robot, tonight - in the video. It represents me coming out of my mechanical aspects - the way I’ve been programmed. We all have. Might as well acknowledge it. Running or looking away from it isn’t constructive or creative. Let’s just be with what is. How very primitive is our current state of society and technology on the earth. I share a memory I had of being in a much more advanced time and place - elsewhere than on this earth. When I ‘Came back’ here, it was quite a culture shock - a shock in many ways. Oh, how primitive to think we need these terrible gas-burning things on wheels to move from place to place. I was quite shocked by that. So, maybe better for all concerned that we don’t have full access to all of our memories - all our lifetimes. That would get in the way of our state of peace - or it could. Better to just be content to be here and now. Then again, time itself is such an illusion. We just think there are these silly things called seconds and minutes, hours and days. They are just constructs - they don’t really exist. Every moment is just now. This is quite beautiful in many ways. One of them is that everything and everyone that ever lived is still alive - right here and right now. Right this minute... Distributed by Tubemogul.