LIVE - What is heart? Entering Alive Emptiness

2011-01-23 1

2011-01-22 1st LIVE Video, Mayan day 8 Wind ♥ “TRANSCRIPT” Intro: This one is challenging - defining heart. What a lark and a hoot! Can’t be done. Oh well - so I just discuss that. This being as undefinable as it is, it’s also foolish - but who cares ;) So, the question concerns practices versus grace - what is what? Will the practice of dropping attention down into the chest ever ‘Pay off?’ I don’t see it like that at all. That’s a mental way of viewing. Enter heart ;) Maybe the real blessing is simply in vacating head - leaving mind aside for those moments and going within. So maybe neti neti is more appropriate - not this and not that. I don’t know. As you may know, I don’t favor practices, overall. Unless heart calls you to them, in which case go, by all means. Following heart is all I am loyal to, really, so I suggest we all do the same, of course. I find many blessings abundantly flowing this way - even in the midst of challenge and pain, would you believe? Yep - pretty much. It won’t stop things from hurting - nor is it meant to. Hurt may be nothing more than evidence of cleansing and growth - I don’t know. I don’t object to it, though - it always brings blessing. It helps to be on the alert look-out for that. They’re always there to be found. Many people don’t find them - those locked within mind. That doesn’t mean they’re not there and available. Perspective may just need to be altered. We all have an important piece of the puzzle. No one else has our exact perspective, our background and understanding - no, not one. We are the expert on this perspective on Life. No one else can speak for it but us. No one can out-vote or overrule us on it, either. We are the one - the only one with this view. All views are special... Distributed by Tubemogul.