P.A.K. the key to success - Sample from "Street Smarts" available on Amazon

2011-01-19 19

Success is not an accident, like any other principle; it can be studied, analyzed and dissected. It can be broken down into very specific steps. If you study, integrate, absorb and apply the knowledge required and take action you will inevitably achieve your goals.

Reading about success, you always encounter hundreds of clues, keys and characteristics that are always present. I wanted to take the time and highlight some of the most important characteristics that I believe should be incorporated into your daily habits, if you are to achieve success in any area of your life:

1.P. Perseverance: steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., esp. in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement. This is a principle found in any person who has ever achieved anything meaningful in life. Just as we learn to walk after we fall down time and time again, it is virtually impossible to achieve any type of success until we pushed through our temporary failures.

2. A. Attitude: manner, disposition, feeling, position, etc., with regard to a person or thing; tendency or orientation, esp. of the mind. Your attitude towards anything determines your outcome eventually; notice your attitude towards the things that you find easy and comfortable vs. those that seem hard, difficult or uncomfortable. A positive attitude in the face of a perceived failure seems to be the deciding factor in most cases. Looking at people who are successful in any area of life, you'll notice that they didn't get there without a share of "failures", the difference however is that they didn't get discouraged by those temporary "failures"; they learned their lessons and continued pressing forward.

3. K: Knowledge:acquaintance or familiarity gained by sight, experience, or report. Whether your goal is to be a successful singer, actor or entrepreneur, you need to acquire knowledge in that specific area. Knowledge provides you with a shortcut, it gives you a tool that you can utilize to increase your rate of success and saves you a lot of time and effort on things that won't move you forward towards your goal. In this era of technology we are inundated with information, the Internet provides you an endless supply of information on any specific subject. knowledge is widely accessible and it give you an advantage, think of the idea of tapping into the mind of thousands of years of experience, people who have made all the mistakes and have learned.

By incorporating these 3 key characteristics into your life, you will move forward and will be in your path to success.

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