Lionel Hampton & His Orchestra China Stomp, 1937

2011-01-16 1

Lionel Hampton & His Orchestra, L.Hampton at the Piano - China Stomp, Victor 1937

NOTE: Lionel Hampton (1908 Louisville, Kentucky - 2002) – American pianist, vibraphone player and bandleader. One of first xylophone (and later - vibraphone) virtuoses in history of jazz. He started as a teenager playing drums in Chicago Defender Newsboy's Band. In 1928 he moved to California and continued drums in Dixieland Blues-Blowers, followed by Paul Howard's The Quality Serenaders. It's when he also started presenting himself as pianist as well as xylophone and vibraphone virtuose. In 1930, when Louis Armstrong visited California, Lionel was invited by him to participate in Armstron's two recording sessions. After that, Hampton devoted two years of life for his solid music studies at University of Southern California. In 1934 he established his own band. Lionel Hampton belongs to most significant musicians in American jazz history.