Fox News CEO Denies Rumors of the 'Fox Effect'

2012-02-01 65

Fox News CEO Denies Rumors of the 'Fox Effect'
The Hoover Institution - Hoover Institution
Fox News CEO Roger Ailes talks about his recipe for a successful news network. "I recognized that the American people did not want to be told what to think about the information they were receiving...We just want a dialogue, and we believe the ideas and the issues will sort themselves out."Is Ailes a conservative? Does Fox News shape the nation's politics, as many on the left claim? Ailes responds. He also offers up his expertise to our current commander-in-chief."[Barack Obama] is underexposed and overexposed. He said he was going to be transparent. He is not. So that is underexposure. Yet he is on television every time I look at the television set. He is overexposed, but he is not letting us in on any of the inner workings of what he is trying to accomplish."