Sapphire hits Intel mobo market in big way, early look ...

2011-01-12 343 As you would have seen earlier on today, we posted our review of the Sapphire Pure Black X58 motherboard. That NDA came off on that one today. We first saw and heard about it at the Sapphire suite last week in Las Vegas, but what Sapphire was also showing off was their almost completed Intel P67 motherboard. Sapphire getting into the motherboard business seriously is a pretty big surprise, but what's more surprising is that they are doing it with Intel chipset boards. For a company has always worked so closely with AMD on its video card business, it's big news. In the video above you get a look at the upcoming P67 motherboard that should go on sale next month as well as the X58, a cool looking vertical case mod that was done up by a Texan modder for Sapphire at CES and some other things that Sapphire were showing off at the show. Distributed by Tubemogul.