How to mod Black Ops in Nova 1.2 - Free Modding Program ...

2011-01-12 569

download file here : EXTRA TAGS IGNORE: Hey Guys today im showing you how to Mod Call Of Duty Black Ops Campaign with a USB How to Mod Call Of Duty World At War Campaign with a USB (Written Tutorial) Step 1: Load up Call Of Duty World At War, start any mission you want. Throw a grenade then save and quit. Step 2:Go to the dashboard and go to System Settings-Memory then copy your save game onto your memory stick Step 3:(This is the computer part) Plug Your Memory Stick in your computer (1)Open up USB XTAFGUI (2)Find your Savegame (Savegame.svg) then extract it to the desktop (3)If you want make a backup if not continue (4)Open up COD Tool (5)Drag and drop the savegame.svg file into COD Tool (6)Choose whichever mods you want, when your done save the file and exit the program (7)Go back to USB XTAFGUI and delete the savegame.svg (8)Drag the savegame you modded into USB XTAFGUI then close the program Step 4: Put your USB back into your Xbox 360 Step 5: Move the file form your USB to your Xbox 360 to your harddrive. (note you may see a message saying "this item already exsists, would you like to replace it" click yes. Step 6: Start up Call Of Duty World At War and go to the campaign click "Resume game" YOURE DONE ENJOY YOUR MODS :) HowtoModBlackOpsTutorialMultiplayerSingl­­­eplayerPrestigeNazi_ZombiemodioZombiei­n­s­tructionsgamingRank_upfastonlineRank­sx­bo­x360blackopscallofduty10thprestige­lob­bie­slobbyrankpointscreditshackunloc­keve­ryth­ingunlockedemblemstitlesgunsmo­dding­modco­mmentaryCoDPointsarraycracke­ddigha­vanala­unchsummitradiationdeathst­reaksca­llsigns­contractsperksmapskillst­reakshal­oreachxp­maxhighestmodernwarfar­egamersco­regamerta­gtutorialtutorials Category: gaming hacks nova 1.2 modbox free download no surveys mod 15th prestige no jtag hax free lobby just subcriber comment rate subscribe hack free lobby invite january 2011 daily