Bells Palsy FAQs - Certain People More Susceptible - and FAQ

2011-01-10 235 to visit the site or to purchase the Bell's Palsy Guide Ebook Approximately equal occurrence in males and females and in different races (a slightly higher occurrence in those of Japanese descent) Approximately 63% of people get it on the right side of the face Predispositions and age groups It also occurs in children. Anyone can be affected in their lifetime The average age always seems to come out at between 37 and 41. Individuals at increased risk: Pregnant women especially during the Third Trimester. Diabetics Those with recent episodes of flu or respiratory infection Those with a family history of the condition Certain types of surgery around the facial nerve area carry a risk of damage t the facial nerve and thus result in Bell's Palsy There is a slightly higher incidence of the condition during the winter. Other Bell's Palsy FAQs Recurrence Will only recur in less that 7% of sufferers The average space of time between recurrences is about 10 years. Recurrences tend to cluster in families as well as those with diabetes Recurrence can be on either side of face not necessarily the same side and very rarely on both sides (Bilateral) Bilateral Bilateral Bell's Palsy occurs in less than 1% of cases I wish you speedy and complete recovery Robert To buy to Bell's Palsy Guide Ebook go to To visit the site go to