copyright 2011 Lisa B. Falour, B.S., M.B.A. all rights reserved LISA, INC. (EURL)
A little of the Federaljacktube3 channel shows here in the background, but I don't think they will fuss. I am not infringing on their copyright.
I would appreciate hearing from them and having them allow me to keep this up. I will put it on YouTube if they agree. CUTECATFAITH or SLOBOMOTION are my two channels there.
There is compelling evidence that the first moon landing never took place. A man at an engineer's conference last year in Europe confirmed it was staged in the Utah desert. I was also shocked to hear about the death of Diana, and also about the Gulf of Mexico.
If you think the elite are these nasty people, think again. Most are really decent.
I have been a journalist since 1975 and follow rumors and listen to chat. It is up to me to do research after, and if I say something incorrect, to retract in writing in public.
I am old enough to remember the "landing" TV stuff and noticed several anomalies. The flapping flag was one. The US was under a lot of pressure to show their superiority.
Russia is peppered with the cemeteries of Cosmonauts.
Do you recall what happened to Leica, the first dog who went up in 1957 or so?
Not good.
Leika, perhaps, I might have that wrong.
Well, tell me what you think, and you can see some really good vids on Federaljacktube3, but they tend to be very long, okay?