This year Kelly and I made Magick Spellcasting Kits for Christmas gifts. They had three main components: A photo frame to hold one's spells (i.e., goals or dreams), a mini terrarium filled with moss and activated charcoal to hold positive thoughts, and a handmade snowglobe to use as a focal point during meditation. When we were making these, we thought "what three things would we suggest someone do if they wanted to start living more consciously?" The answer was "focus on what you want" (the goals frame), "begin directing your thoughts first thing in the morning" (using the mini terrarium) and "meditate" (using the snowglobe). This fun design project taught us a lot about gift giving and design execution. We realized after putting a lot of time into making these that while it felt really good to work on such an elaborate design project, next year we're giving toys! Also, we found that we had a somewhat negative vibration about the final steps of executing a design project. As we neared completion, things got harder and harder, because we had the limiting belief that "execution is always the hard part." Now we now for next time to think differently!